Hundreds of thousands of people undergo liposuction every year. What if we tell you there is a way of losing fat without going under the knife?


Fat Freezing (Cryolipolysis) uses proven cooling technology to freeze fat cells, in a safe non-surgical way. Once these are frozen they then drain naturally from the body. You can see results of up to an inch of loss from just one, one-hour treatment.

What happens in a fat freezing treatment?

Our Fat Freezing treatment begins with a bespoke consultation with your expert cosmetic therapist who will assess your problem areas and inform you of the realistic expectations of Fat Freezing.

During your fat freezing treatment day, you should arrive wearing loose-fitting clothing for comfort purposes. The concerned area is then applied with a protectant gel pad which is followed by the vacuum fat freezing head. As the applicator vacuums, the area into the cooling panels you will feel a slight suctions as well as a cool sensation, this should be pain-free. There may initially be some tingling but this should subside as the area becomes numb. Fat cells are directly cooled which triggers their natural death, fat is especially susceptible to cold whereas skin and muscle are not.

Over the next few weeks after your fat freezing treatment, your body will begin to naturally drain the targeted fat cells. The remaining cells condense resulting in an overall reduction of the fat layer.

When you are finished there is zero downtime, you can return to work immediately after your fat freezing treatment. Results will begin to show within 8-12 weeks*.

If you are unsure whether fat freezing is appropriate for you, why not book a FREE consultation with one of our expert cosmetic therapists?

BEFORE                                                                                  AFTER (8 weeks post-treatment)


To book your FREE CONSULTATION visit or call 020 7877 5999



What is Ultrasound Cavitation (Inch Loss)?

Do you want to reduce fat? Do you want a smaller, more defined waist or slimmer thighs? Cavitation can help you to lose inches and lose weight visibly and immediately. Ultrasound cavitation is a 3D liposuction treatment that reduces body fat safely, efficiently and non-invasively. We use targeted ultrasonic waves to break down fat cells without harming any other cells in your body.

What does a cavitation treatment envole? 

Before we perform any 3D liposuction procedure, you will have a consultation with your Dr Leah specialist therapist where you can discuss your goals and ask any questions. The procedure itself will involve placing a device on your body that uses ultrasonic waves to target fat cells. A full course consists of at least six cavitation treatments, although some results will be visible straight away.*

How does ultrasound cavitation work? 

The ultrasound waves specifically target the unwanted fat cells in your body, disrupting them to the point where they turn liquid. Once this has been achieved, the fatty liquid will leave your body naturally, without any of the exercise that a standard liposuction procedure would necessitate.*

Summary of Ultrasound Cavitation 

Procedure time

40 minutes (estimated)

Back to work

Immediate (estimated)


None required


Visible after 7 days*

Recommended Number of Treatments


Full Recovery


Sensitivity Period

None (estimated)

Duration of Results

Long Term*

Risks & Complications

Possible bruising*


Unfortunately, we cannot offer this treatment if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. A full list of side effects, cautions and contraindications will be discussed at face to face consultation. If you are unsure if you will be suitable for treatment, give us a call on 020 7877 5999


Do not consume any alcohol or caffeine on the day of your treatment. Avoid heavy meals immediately before and after the procedure. We recommend drinking 1.5 litres of water per day during your course of cavitation treatments.


Treatment Prices

We're offering 40% off our Inch Loss courses all through the end of May and June!

Inch Loss (6 treatments) was £1140 NOW £684

Inch Loss (8 treatments) was £1520 NOW £912

Inch Loss & Skin Tightening (6 treatments) was £1800 NOW £1080

Inch Loss & Skin Tightening (8 treatments) was £2400 NOW £1440


Who does this treatment?

Each Dr Leah clinic has a highly-trained aesthetic practitioner skilled in performing the non-medical treatments offered, and who shares Dr Leah’s passion for safety and excellence in cosmetic procedures.     


Book a Free Body Consultation by calling 020 7877 5999 or email


*This may vary from person to person

We’re now well into awards season and the Oscars are fast approaching. Many hours of careful pampering will have gone into the stars you’ll see on the red carpet. So, what are their secrets? Here are five ways you can give yourself the flawless look of a glamorous silver screen star.

Make sure your diet is up to scratch

We all know as the dark nights creep in the craving for comfort food starts and most of these foods are sugar and carbohydrate rich. The American Academy of Dermatology have suggested that consumption of high GI foods such as biscuits, sugary drinks, white rice, bread and pasta can trigger a cascade response that can lead to acne, ageing and inflammation. They also reported a weak but possible link between diary and acne.

Look and feel your best by keeping your skin healthy from inside and out, look out for yellow and orange foods and those high in Vitamin A.  Also salmon and fresh water fish are high in omega 3 and essential fatty acids which your skin needs to keep it healthy, hydrated and glowing.

Don’t overlook the cosmetic benefits of microdermabrasion

If you’ve got a big event planned prep your skin with microdermabrasion, a one off half-hour treatment can immediately result in a revitalised and more glowing complexion that even JLo would envy. Microdermabrasion removes dead skin cells, which also allows make-up to sit better on the skin for a flawless look all evening. We recommend a series of microdermabrasion treatments once a month to achieve optimum results.

Consider laser treatment for reducing redness

Laser sessions have also attracted acclaim among beauty professionals in recent times as a means of calming down acne and redness. Who would have imagined that mere spectrums of light would make such an immense difference to one's appearance?

If your skin routinely looks redder than you think it should, it’s possible that you are suffering from broken blood vessels on the face – or, to use the technical term, telangiectasia. We have recently dedicated a blog post to explaining this common condition and how we can use advanced laser treatment to banish it.

Get the Kate Winslet look with facial treatments

Kate Winslet, who has been nominated for Best Supporting Actress at this year’s Oscars for her role as Joanna Hoffman in the biopic Steve Jobs, is bound to look fresh-faced on the red carpet. That’s because she is a facial fan – and there’s a wide range of facials that we at Dr Leah can provide. These include anti-ageing and skin tightening treatments.

Don’t leave it too late

Remember the prep for a red carpet event begins weeks before! Consider inch loss treatmentbefore a big event, one treatment a week for 6 weeks in the lead-up to an event will allow for optimum results. We use targeted ultrasonic waves to destroy fat cells without harming any other cells in your body, meaning you will lose measurable inches to fit into that perfect little black dress, leaving you to feel confident and enjoy your event! 

Jennifer Lawrence

If you are carrying a little post-holiday weight and those stubborn pockets of unwanted fat are proving a nightmare to shift at Dr Leah Cosmetic Clinic London we have just the solution!

Dr Leah Cosmetic Skin Clinic, Moorgate London, recommend our revolutionary 3d LipoMed Fat Freezing treatment to reduce fat in those stubborn areas.  

How Does it work?

Fat reduction treatment will freeze the area down to -5°and introduce an electric current to break down the fat cells and eliminate them through the body. You can expect to reduce unwanted fat pockets by around 25% and that’s without spending hours in the gym. If you think this all sounds too good to be true our plethora of successful testimonials and before and after pictures will speak for themselves. Celebrities like Amy Childs and Coleen Rooney (to name a few) have had great results with this very treatment. So you can wave goodbye to that muffin top and so long to those saddle bags with this effective 1 hour treatment.

How Long is the treatment itself?

1 hour per area

When will I see results?

Results from Fat freezing can take between 16-20 week so patience is in fact a virtue with this treatment and planning is essential if you are wanting your result for a specific occasion or event. (Remember the Christmas Party seasons is fast approaching!!)

Where can be treated?

In theory anywhere that you have a pocket of fat that you would like to reduce by 25% - the most common areas are tummy, flanks (love handles), back fat, inner thighs, saddlebags area or tricep area (arms).

Is there a recovery time?

There is no downtime, so you can get straight back to work!

Is it safe?

This is a safe and low risk treatment. No anaesthetic required and no cuts or openings to the skin. Bruising and redness or ice burns are possible side effects. 


Final Note...

Here at Dr Leah Cosmetic Skin Clinics we are strong advocates of a healthy lifestyle and regular exercise, this treatment is not an alternative to exercise but a helping hand along the way. Our fully trained and experienced body specialists will guide you through your journey and create the right treatment plan just for you. With NO pain and NO downtime why not take advantage of this safe and effective non surgical alternative to Liposuction.  

Why did I choose 3D Lipo for my patients at Dr Leah's Clinic?

Click the link to find out why: 

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Cryolipolysis – commonly known as ‘fat freezing’ – is a form of non-surgical liposuction that can be used to break down unwanted fat. This painless, non-invasive weight loss treatment has become extremely popular in recent years, and it’s not hard to see why: cryolipolysis is less risky than traditional liposuction, and only one treatment is needed to achieve visible results.

Here at Dr Leah Clinics, we are frequently asked about the fat freezing procedure and how it can help people to lose weight. In this blog post, we will endeavour to answer some of the most common queries.

How does it work?
As the name implies, fat freezing works by crystallising unwanted fat cells, causing them to die and leave the body. During your cryolipolysis treatment, one of our specialists will place the fat freezing device on a specific part of your body (your stomach, for example). This will lower the temperature in this localised area, causing nearby fat cells to solidify and die whilst leaving other cells unharmed.

Once the procedure has been completed, your body will eventually flush out the dead fat cells, leaving the treated area looking slimmer and more toned.

Will I see the results straight away?
No. The body takes a little while to get rid of those dead cells, and the slimming effect of a non-surgical lipo procedure like this usually doesn't become apparent until 12 weeks later.

How long does the procedure take?
Roughly 45 minutes. Since there is no recovery time for cryolipolysis, this means that you can have a weight loss treatment in your lunch hour and then go straight back to work.

Are there any side effects?
Some patients experience some slight bruising and/or numbness after the cryolipolysis procedure, but this typically subsides within 10 days. Note that even non-surgical liposuction procedures are not suitable for pregnant/breastfeeding women.

Click here to see prices and book your fat freezing treatment with online!