Procedure Time
30 minutes (estimated)
Back to Work
Next day (estimated)
none required
Used to treat
Acne scarring, surgical scars, roughened skin texture, lines and wrinkles, large pore treatment, aged skin, stretchmarks, hyperpigmentation treatment
For skin type
suitable for type 1-4 Fitzpatrick scale, not suitable for dark skin
Body area treated
face, neck or chest or any scar or stretch marks on body
Patch test required
Yes- at least 24 hours before treatment
One-off treatment or course
Course of 3-6 (one per month) dependent on skin concern
Duration of Results
long term
Risks & Complications
Soreness, skin irritation, swelling, redness, burns, blistering, scarring, uneven skin tone, pigment changes *

i-Pixel Laser, is the latest generation of ‘Fraxel’ laser, is an advanced laser resurfacing treatment for the face, neck and decolletage or hands.

This erbium laser is a highly effective laser resurfacing treatment will improve the quality of your skin to help to reduce the signs of ageing – it will improve wrinkle depth, texture, tone, and remove any marks or scarring you may have, giving you a new rejuvenated skin appearance.

This highly effective treatment can dramatically alter the appearance of your skin. This state-of-the-art laser resurfacing technology is superior to older laser resurfacing techniques which gave similar results but with longer downtime. If you are looking to achieve healthy, glowing, youthful skin, then this treatment is the perfect choice for you.


i-pixel harmony laser to treat acne scarring


i-pixel harmony laser to treat acne scarring
i-pixel harmony laser to treat acne scarring


i-pixel harmony laser to treat acne scarring
i-pixel harmony laser to treat facial scar


i-pixel harmony laser to treat facial scar
i-pixel harmony laser to treat facial scar


i-pixel harmony laser to treat facial scar









What Is I-Pixel Laser Skin Resurfacing?

i-Pixel is a form of skin resurfacing using erbium laser. It is the new generation version of Fraxel laser - which gave similar results but with longer downtime.

Unlike traditional ablative laser resurfacing for skin resurfacing such as fraxel, which burns the outer layer of the skin, the i-Pixel laser skin resurfacingtreatment does minimal damage to the outer skin layer and thus minimises redness and downtime.

The ablative element of the laser happens at a deep-skin layer and uses heat to stimulate collagen production. This triggers the body's natural healing process to stimulate growth of new healthy skin tissue.

What can i-Pixel laser resurfacing treat?

  • Signs of ageing
  • Acne / facial scarring
  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Dull, uneven skin tone
  • Pigmentation - hyperpigmentation treatment
  • Enlarged pores/ large pores treatment
  • Sun damage
  • Rough skin texture
  • i-Pixel can also be used on the body to treat scarring or stretch marks.

If you’re concerned with aged, sun-damaged or acne-scarred skin – or if you’re just looking for complete skin rejuvenation or want to remove stretchmarks or surgical scars on the body – then this laser resurfacing treatment for skin resurfacing is a great option for you.

To ensure the best results and avoid irritation, please refrain from using any active ingredients for 5 days before and after your treatments. Active ingredients include benzoyl peroxide, retinol, salicylic acid, glycolic acid and vitamin C serum. We recommend using only a gentle cleanser and a gentle moisturiser during this period. We highly recommend using a medical grade SPF 50 following your treatment.

Treatment Journey Process For Laser Resurfacing

  • Firstly, you will book a facial laser – laser skin resurfacing consultation with our aesthetic therapist. This is free of charge. Our aesthetic therapist will be able to advise if the I-Pixel treatment is right for you advise how many sessions you will need (normally 3 sessions but can be 4 or 5 depending on how severe your sun damage / pigmentation is). Your therapist will perform a test of the laser on your skin on the day of this appointment, which we call a laser patch test. They will also be able to advise which products you should use to help your skin to reduce pigmentation and provide these for you on the day.
  • You can book your first laser session for the following day providing you don’t have a reaction to the patch test
  • On the day of your first i-pixel laser session you should arrive make up free to the clinic
  • The treatment is quick and easy– you well smell burning during the treatment which is the most unpleasant part of the experience but the treatment itself is generally not painful
  • Your skin afterwards will look and feel like you have sunburn. We will apply creams to your face immediately after the treatment to soothe and protect it.
  • You may find that the skin feels burning or stinging later in the day, so we advise you take 2 paracetamol painkillers if required and providing you have no contraindications.
  • You will have some puffiness and redness for around 1-2 days, but most clients return to work the day after treatment. You will have small grid shaped dots on your face for 5 days after treatment, they won’t be visible to other people, but you will be able to feel them if you rub the skin. Your skin will feel dry when these tiny micro-scabs are coming away and we can give you a medical moisturiser to use to assist this shedding process.
  • Your second treatment will be booked for 1 month later
  • We advise you use a medical SPF and we can provide one for you to purchase in clinic
  • We also can recommend a cream containing retinol which can be used alongside the i-pixel treatment to give you more dramatic results and your skin therapist will be able to advise you on this during your initial consultation.

You will require a consultation and test patch 24 hours before your first treatment.

I-Pixel Laser Resurfacing Reviews

Here’s what our clients have to say…
I had acne during my teens and early 20’s which unfortunately left me with scarring on both cheeks, it was affecting my confidence and I was struggling to cover it with makeup as it was like indents in my face. I had 5, i-pixel laser sessions, one per month and the results are excellent. I now feel so much more confident.

Jessica, 30
My son got married last month and I came to Dr Leah Clinic around 7 or 8 months before that to see what they could do to make me look a bit better for the wedding, I knew I needed to improve my skin as I have done a lot of sun bathing through the years so had quite deep lines and sun spots on my skin. I used some products Dr Leah put me on and had 5 of the i-pixel laser sessions and it really improved things. I looked as good as I would have ever expected on my Son’s big day, I got a lot of people telling me I was looking really well.

Linda , 69
Due to a work accident I had a scar on my face which I was always conscious of, I finally went ahead and had to treated with laser and I wish I had have done it years ago.

Ron, 53

Treatment Price

Small area
3 Sessions
Half Face
3 Sessions
6 Sessions
Full Face
3 Sessions
6 Sessions
3 Sessions
6 Sessions
3 Sessions

To view our full price list, please click here

More About I-Pixel

What is the recovery time after laser resurfacing treatment?

This depends on the laser. With our laser most people are able to return to work the day after treatment. For the first 24 hours after treatment, it is normal for the skin to feel tight and look red with some swelling. This usually disappears within 2 days, leaving some tiny dots on the skin which can last up to 7 days, but these won’t be noticeable to other people.

Does laser skin resurfacing hurt?

Our laser skin resurfacing procedure is usually very well tolerated, with little or no discomfort. The skin may feel warm, almost like sunburn, directly after treatment.

What products do I need before or after i-pixel treatment?

Before treatment if you have a dry or very damaged skin it may be required that you use medical skincare to ensure your skin is healthy enough to have the treatment– your practitioner will be able to advise you on this during your initial consultation.

There is a cream Dr Leah Clinics can provide you with which will turn over the skin cells more and make your I-Pixel laser skin resurfacing result more dramatic – your practitioner will be able to advise you on this during your initial laser consultation.

It is essential to use SPF 50 sunscreen every day following treatment, alongside a moisturiser. Avoiding excess heat and sun exposure is also essential. Your qualified practitioner will go through full pre- and post-care with you fully at your first consultation and advise which products you need.

What should I do before my laser resurfacing treatment?

• Clients on retinol products, glycolic acid or other AHA containing products or hydroquinone containing products should stop them 3 days before having laser
• You will need to make sure you do not have a tan on your face so avoid sunbathing the face for 14 days before your laser treatment and no sunbed use for 14 days before
• No fake cannot be on the face on the day you have laser so avoid self-tanning products on the face for 7 days before treatment

What is the aftercare for resurfacing laser treatment?

• Immediately after treatment, there may be redness and swelling at the treatment area (this can feel like mild sunburn).
• The application of Sudo creme is recommended and can be done at home that evening
• Avoid sun exposure to reduce the risk of hyperpigmentation or darker pigmentation. SPF 50 sunscreen is a MUST.
• Avoid picking or scratching the treated skin as this may darken any areas of pigmentation.
• Avoid hot baths, exercise and heat treatments, and treat the skin gently – as if you had sunburn – for the first 24 hours.

How many laser resurfacing treatments will I need?

Normally between 3-6 depending on the reason you are having treatment?

Can I go on sunshine holiday during my treatment?

Yes, but you need to wear factor 50 SPF on the treated area by i-pixel if you have had treatment within the past 2 months. We advise keeping the area out of the sun as much as possible and you will need to wait 2-4 weeks after returning from holiday/ being in the sun , depending on if you get any sunburn or tan while away or if you have a skin type that tans well.

Who is this treatment not suitable for?

• Not suitable for Asian or black skins as will cause pigmentation. Clients with a very dry and sensitive skin may need to use products to fortify the skin barrier prior to treatment – your aesthetic skin therapist will be able to advise you on this on the day of your consultation and test patch.
• Any clients who have a reaction to the test patch (burn, blister or pigmentation) will not be able to have this treatment.
• Cannot be performed on anyone who is pregnant or breastfeeding
• Cannot be performed on anyone who has had a suntan on the skin or burn on the skin within 14 days of treatment
• Cannot be performed on anyone on photosensitising medication such as lymecycline or doxycycline
• Not suitable if you have active acne – we will need to prescribe you skincare to treat your breakouts first
• Clients on retinol products, glycolic acid or other AHA containing products or hydroquinone containing products should stop them 3 days before having laser

At Dr Leah Clinics, you’re in safe hands

Meet the Dr Leah Clinics Team

Dr Leah Totton
Medical Director
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Associate Medical Director
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Senior Cosmetic Doctor
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Senior Cosmetic Doctor
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Dr Cian McLoughlin
Senior Cosmetic Doctor
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Dr Dara-Chameli Seebaran Suite
Senior Cosmetic Doctor
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Head Aesthetic Therapist
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Advanced Aesthetic Therapist
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Advanced Aesthetic Therapist
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Advanced Aesthetic Therapist
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Advanced Aesthetic Therapist
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Gold Safety in Beauty WinnerGold QCQ awardBCAMMost trusted cosmetic clinic 2023
*Results may vary from person to person

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