What is PRP?

PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) is a natural treatment that is not only a great solution to hair loss and skin rejuvenation. But is also an extremely effective solution to under-eye concerns such as circles, puffiness and undereye bags.

PRP is used by taking a small amount of blood from the client, this is then placed into a centrifuge which separates a valuable platelet-rich plasma that when injected into the concerned area triggers the bodies natural healing response. This strengthens collagen and elasticity which results in a refreshed, rejuvenated and youthful appearance.

Am I suitable for PRP?

You may be suitable for PRP undereye treatment if you have one or more of these following concerns

  • Dark, tired and sallow looking eyes
  • Fine lines and wrinkles around the under eye
  • Loose skin below the eye
  • Under-eye puffiness.

PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) treatment could be the perfect solution to your under-eye concerns!

PRP is an effective treatment for the under-eye area as it increases blood vessel growth and strengths collagen promoting a refreshed and youthful appearance. 

New blood vessels in the under-eye area allow nutrients and oxygen into the skin, resulting in a decrease of puffiness and loose undereye skin is tightened. 

For PRP Facial Treatment we recommend a course of 3 treatments, one month apart. A top-up is then offered 6-12 months after to upkeep desired results.

Would you like to book in for a PRP anti-ageing treatment? 

CALL: 020 7877 5999

VISIT: https://www.drleah.co.uk/treatments/facials/prp-facial

EMAIL: info@drleah.co.uk 

 SEE ALSO: Polynucleotides Treatment for Under Eyes