In the ever-evolving world of medical aesthetics, PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) treatment has emerged as a cutting-edge solution for various concerns. From enhancing hair growth to rejuvenating the skin, PRP offers a natural and effective approach. In this blog series on PRP, we will delve into the latest discoveries and medical advancements surrounding PRP treatment. Today’s post will focus on the exciting evolution of PRP for hair and scalp treatment, and in upcoming posts we will discuss PRP under eyes treatment and PRP facial treatment at the renowned Dr Leah Clinic in London.

What is PRP?

PRP treatment harnesses the natural power of your own blood’s platelets to rejuvenate skin and stimulate hair growth. PRP treatment, or platelet-rich plasma treatment, harnesses the regenerative power of platelets found in our blood. The science behind PRP treatment lies in the growth factors present in platelets. These growth factors stimulate tissue regeneration, promoting healing and rejuvenation. When PRP is injected into the desired area, such as the scalp for hair regrowth, under the eyes for rejuvenation, or the face for a more youthful appearance, the growth factors in PRP stimulate collagen and elastin production. This leads to firmer, tighter skin with improved texture and elasticity in the areas treated.

PRP has revolutionised the field of medical aesthetics in a number of ways including its versatility as it offers remarkable benefits for hair regrowth, under-eye rejuvenation, and facial renewal. Dr Leah Clinic in London provides a trusted haven for individuals seeking these transformative treatments. Whether you desire a luscious head of hair, radiant under-eye area, or youthful complexion, PRP treatment at Dr Leah Clinic offers a pathway to rejuvenation and renewed confidence.

Find out more about a PRP face treatment book a consultation HERE.

For more of PRP Hair treatment visit HERE


PRP Hair and Scalp Treatment

PRP Hair Treatment is a great option to help naturally stimulate hair growth vs more invasive options such as a hair transplant.

Both men and women can experience hair loss later in life, which is commonly caused by a hereditary condition called androgenic alopecia, also known as male or female pattern hair loss. This condition occurs with aging and is characterised by a gradual thinning of the hair, primarily on the top and front of the scalp. Hormonal changes, medications, illnesses, stress, and other factors can also contribute to hair loss in both genders. Additionally, taking hormones can impact hair growth.

One of the most exciting and recent discoveries in the field of hair loss treatment is the use of Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) injections. PRP has emerged as a potential breakthrough in combating hair loss, offering the possibility of stopping and even reversing the condition. Recent studies have shown promising results, with clinical evaluations demonstrating a significant increase in hair count and density just three months after the last injection. PRP hair treatment works by promoting hair growth at the follicular level, by injecting concentrated platelets into the scalp, activate dormant hair follicles, promoting hair regrowth. This natural treatment option provides hope for those seeking effective and non-invasive solutions for hair loss and at Dr Leah Clinic where we conduct PRP hair London treatment we are seeing impressive results.

Indeed PRP hair treatment is fast gaining popularity with celebrities such as Kourtney Kardasian discussing having the treatment as a non-surgical option for stimulating hair growth. It has become a popular choice next to hair transplant procedures which in some cases can result in scarring, an unnatural appearance and high cost of up to £15,000 - especially when multiple treatments are often needed. Given the competitive PRP hair treatment UK prices where at Dr Leah Clinic prices at £1,800 for a complete course of three, it’s an appealing, less invasive, cost-effective alternative to surgery.

For more of PRP Hair treatment visit HERE

Why Choose Dr Leah for PRP Hair Treatment?

The Dr Leah Clinic in London is a trusted destination for PRP hair treatment and offers PRP Hair London treatment. Dr Leah is a multi-award-winning clinic including their recent award for ‘Most Trusted Cosmetic Clinic 2023’. Dr Leah Clinic has the best state-of-the-art facilities in the UK and a team of skilled professionals. Countless individuals have regained their confidence through this transformative procedure.

What is the Dr Leah PRP Hair Treatment process?

The PRP hair treatment process at Dr Leah Clinic involves several steps. Firstly, a small amount of blood is drawn from the patient's arm. The blood is then placed in a centrifuge machine, which separates the platelet-rich plasma (PRP) from the rest of the blood components. The PRP, which contains growth factors and other beneficial proteins, is then injected into the scalp using a fine needle. The injections are strategically placed in areas of hair thinning or loss.

A course of 3 treatments is suggested on

As for recovery time, there is typically no downtime associated with PRP hair treatment. Patients can resume their normal activities immediately after the procedure. However, some mild redness or swelling at the injection sites may occur, but it usually subsides within a few hours to a day. Results from PRP hair treatment can be seen as early as three months after the procedure, with increased hair count and density and full results between 6-12 months. It is important to note that the duration of results may vary for each individual.

Find out more about a PRP face treatment book a consultation HERE.

For more of PRP Hair treatment visit HERE

PRP Hair treatment UK prices at Dr Leah Clinic

Dr Leah Clinic is classed as a leader in the PRP treatment for their CQC registration and multi-award wins for safe and effective treatments. Additionally at Dr Leah Clinic you will have a highly respected Senior Doctor conducting your treatment to ensure the very best results.

£1800 for a course of 3 PRP hair treatments.

For more of PRP Hair treatment visit HERE

For more of PRP Hair treatment visit HERE

Get ready for the fast-approaching festive season with Profhilo treatments at Dr Leah Clinic

Are you looking to give your skin a fresh, youthful, and radiant appearance as the seasons transition from late summer to autumn and on into the festive period? Profhilo might just be the perfect solution you have been searching for. It is one of the most advanced and effective skin treatments that is loved by clients seeking hydrated, dewy, glowing skin. Additionally, Profhilo is an excellent option for those looking to reduce fine lines and wrinkles.

So, where should you go for this Profhilo skin transformation? The Dr Leah Clinic stands out as the ultimate destination for the Best Profhilo in London and Profhilo in Essex.

Book your Profhilo treatment with Dr Leah Clinic today!


Profhilo Before and After Pictures 

What Is Profhilo?

Profhilo is an innovative skin remodeling treatment. Unlike traditional dermal fillers, Profhilo is designed to hydrate the skin deeply, stimulating collagen and elastin production, and resulting in tighter, firmer and glowing skin. It’s not about adding volume to the skin, but about rejuvenating and revitalising it. This treatment is a breakthrough in anti-aging medicine.

Lets delve deeper into the science behind Profhilo. Profhilo revolves around its unique formulation and mode of action. Profhilo is an injectable treatment that contains a high concentration of hyaluronic acid, a natural component of the skin that provides hydration and supports tissue repair. When injected, Profhilo spreads within the skin, stimulating the production of collagen and elastin, which are essential proteins for skin structure and elasticity. This process, known as the BAP method, helps improve skin condition, tightens sagging skin, and reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Unlike fillers, Profhilo focuses on overall skin improvement rather than filling specific lines and wrinkles. By enhancing hydration levels and promoting collagen and elastin production, Profhilo rejuvenates the skin for a firmer, plumper, and more radiant complexion

Profhilo can be injected in various areas of the body. Profhilo injection points across the body include the face, neck, hands, chest, decolletage, and upper arms. The Profhilo injection points specifically for the face include the upper cheek, nasal base, lower cheek, chin, and jawline.   Profhilo cannot be injected into the forehead area due to the location of blood vessels and nerves, so your Dr Leah doctor may suggest an alternative smoothing a rejuvenating treatment in this area such as Volite or Anti-wrinkle injections.

Why Profhilo Is Perfect to Start Now

As late summer approaches and we begin to transition into autumn, our skin can often start to feel the effects of the changing weather. Profhilo is an excellent treatment to consider at this time for several reasons:

  1. Pre-Autumn Refresh: As the weather starts to cool, your skin may start to dry out. Starting Profhilo treatment now can ensure your skin is deeply hydrated and revitalised, ready to face the brisk autumn months ahead.
  2. Festive Season Prep: With the festive season around the corner, we all want to look our best. Starting your Profhilo treatment in late summer allows enough time for the treatment to show its full effects — just in time for the holiday celebrations and New Year festivities.
  3. Minimal Downtime: Profhilo has the benefit of requiring minimal to no downtime. Starting now means you can enjoy the full benefits by the time the holiday season rolls around, without having to hide away during recovery.

Why Dr Leah Clinic is the Go-To Clinic for Profhilo Treatment

The Dr Leah Clinic is the premier destination for Profhilo London and Prohilo Essex treatments. Here are a few reasons why:

  1. Expertise and Experience: The medical professionals at Dr Leah Clinic are highly skilled, with years of experience. They are experts at delivering precise, effective Profhilo treatments tailored to each individual's needs and skin type.
  2. Quality and Safety: At Dr Leah Clinic, patient safety is paramount. The clinic maintains rigorous standards of hygiene and uses only the highest quality products, ensuring that your Profhilo treatment is both safe and effective.
  3. Personalised Approach: Each in-clinic treatment at Dr Leah Clinic is bespoke, designed to suit the unique skin conditions and desired outcomes of each patient. This ensures results that look natural and harmonious.
  4. Reputation: Dr Leah Clinic has established itself as a leading name in aesthetic medicine in London. It’s not just about offering the best Profhilo in London; it’s about the clinic’s commitment to excellence, which has earned it a reputation that stands head and shoulders above the rest. Dr Leah Clinics is one of the most decorated clinics in the UK with multi-award wins. Most recently Dr Leah Clinics won the ‘UK’s most trusted Clinic of the Year in 2023’

The Takeaway

Profhilo is more than just a treatment; it is a comprehensive approach to skin health. It delivers incredible results that are not only immediately visible but continue to improve over time. For those in search of Profhilo London options, Dr Leah Clinic is undoubtedly the place to visit. It stands out not just for its exceptional service but for the unparalleled skill and dedication of its staff, making it the top destination for the best Profhilo in London.

Start your journey towards radiant, refreshed, and rejuvenated skin with Profhilo at Dr Leah Clinic today. Late summer is the perfect time to begin, setting you up for a fabulous, confident autumn and festive season ahead.

Book your Profhilo treatment with Dr Leah Clinic today!

Welcome to our Dr Leah Clinic blog where we delve into the world of innovative skin rejuvenation treatments. Today we will be exploring the remarkable benefits of the Morpheus8, one of the most advanced skin remodeling devices in the industry. You may have already heard of Morpheus8 (also referred to as Morpheus 8) as the device has been creating arguably the biggest buzz in the aesthetics industry this past decade with truly transformational results being achieved and highlighted in national press.

In this article, we will uncover the benefits of Morpheus8 and shed light on why Dr Leah Clinic is the go-to destination for this treatment.

Book a Morpheus8 consultation today!

The before and after results of Morpheus8 at Dr Leah clinic speak for themselves

What is Morpheus8?

 If you're looking to achieve younger, smoother, and more radiant skin, Morpheus8 is the most advanced skin remodeling device on the market, achieving remarkable results in treating facial lines, wrinkles, sagging skin, acne scars, and stretch marks. At Dr Leah Clinic, we are proud to offer Morpheus8 as part of our extensive range of advanced skincare treatments.

Morpheus8 is able to deliver cutting-edge skin rejuvenation treatment through combining micro-needling with fractional radiofrequency technology. This innovative combination allows for precise and controlled heating of the deeper layers of the skin, stimulating collagen production and remodeling the skin's underlying structure. The result is tighter, firmer skin with improved texture and reduced signs of ageing.

The Morpheus8 device uses a matrix of 24 coated pins that penetrate the subdermal tissue, delivering radiofrequency energy deep into the dermis. This stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, essential proteins that give the skin its strength and elasticity. The radiofrequency energy also helps to tighten the skin by promoting the contraction of collagen fibers. By targeting the deeper layers of the skin, Morpheus8 is able to achieve more dramatic and long-lasting results compared to traditional micro-needling treatments.

One of the key advantages of Morpheus8 is its ability to provide customizable results to the level of concern. The depth of the needles and intensity of the radiofrequency energy can be adjusted to meet each individual's unique needs and desired outcome. This ensures that the treatment is tailored to address specific concerns and deliver optimal results. For example, very deep acne scars are treated with a high needle depth of 3.5mm vs a lower depth being used for more minor skin concerns such as uneven skin tone.

At Dr Leah Clinic we usually recommend at least 3 sessions each 1 month apart, with a top-up session after 12 months to see visible results.

Book a Morpheus8 consultation today!

Benefits of Morpheus8 treatment

The benefits of Morpheus8 treatment are truly remarkable. Not only does it effectively address common skin concerns such as wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging skin, but it also improves skin tone and texture, reduces acne scarring, and minimises pore size. The treatment is suitable for all skin types and can be used on various areas of the body – however, best results are achieved on the face, neck, stomach, knees, thighs, and decolletage.

Morpheus8 is particularly effective in treating deep acne scars. The combination of micro-needling and radiofrequency technology helps to break down scar tissue and stimulate the production of new collagen, resulting in smoother and more even skin texture. Many patients have reported a noticeable reduction in the appearance of their acne scars after undergoing Morpheus8 treatment.

Additionally, Morpheus8 is a non-surgical procedure with minimal downtime, allowing patients to return to their normal activities shortly after treatment.

Why choose Dr Leah Clinic for Morpheus8 treatment

At Dr Leah Clinic we are authorised to use Morpheus 8 needle depth at 8mm – something which not all clinics are allowed to do. Using Morpheus8 at an 8mm depth allows for deeper penetration and more significant results. However, the specific depth setting should be determined by a qualified professional based on individual needs and skin condition. Not all clinics may be qualified or equipped to handle treatments at this depth as it requires expertise and experience to ensure safe and effective results. Clinics that are authorised to use Morpheus8 at 8mm have likely undergone specialised training and have the necessary equipment to handle the procedure at this depth like at Dr Leah Clinic. This is one of the many key reasons why at Dr Leah Clinic we have clients travelling across the UK for the Morpheus 8 London treatment and at our Essex clinic.

When it comes to Morpheus8 treatment, choosing the right clinic is crucial to achieving the best possible results. At Dr Leah Clinic, we pride ourselves on being leaders in the field of advanced skincare treatments. Our clinic is equipped with state-of-the-art technology and staffed by a team of highly skilled and experienced professionals who are dedicated to helping you achieve your aesthetic goals. Not only do we offer the latest and most innovative treatments, such as Morpheus8, but we also prioritise patient safety and satisfaction. In 2023 we have been awarded the "UK's Most Trusted Cosmetic Clinics" by Global Health & Pharma along with other accolades including "Best Cosmetic Clinic London" for two consecutive years.

While Morpheus8 is a non-surgical procedure, it is an invasive one that needs the high level of expertise offered at Dr Leah Clinic

Book a Morpheus8 consultation today!

With Dr Leah Clinic’s across London and Essex you can find a Morpheus8 clinic near you

If you are 'looking for a Morpheus8 clinic near me' Dr Leah Clinic conducts Morpheus 8 across South East England. Dr Leah Clinic is a leading provider of Morpheus8 in the UK, with a team of experienced professionals who are dedicated to helping you achieve your desired results. Our clinics are conveniently located in both Baker Street, and Moorgate in London, and our Loughton Essex Clinic - making it easily accessible for those in the surrounding areas.

Morpheus8 treatment process at Dr Leah Clinic explained

The Morpheus8 treatment process begins with a thorough consultation with one of our experienced practitioners. During this consultation, your skin concerns and goals will be assessed, and a personalised treatment plan will be created. The number of sessions required will depend on the specific concerns being addressed and the desired outcome.

On the day of the treatment, a topical numbing cream may be applied to ensure your comfort throughout the procedure. The Morpheus8 device will then be gently glided over the treatment area, creating microchannels in the skin with tiny needles while delivering the fractional radiofrequency energy. The treatment is generally well-tolerated, with minimal discomfort reported by most patients.

Following the treatment, you may experience mild redness and swelling, which typically subsides within a few days. It's important to follow post-treatment instructions provided by your practitioner, including proper skincare and sun protection. While you may start to see improvements in your skin shortly after treatment, the full benefits of Morpheus8 will continue to develop over the following weeks as collagen production is stimulated.

Morpheus8 price UK

The cost of Morpheus8 treatment depends on factors such as the size of the treatment area and the number of sessions required. At Dr Leah Clinic, we believe in providing transparent and competitive pricing for all our treatments, including Morpheus8. During your consultation, we will discuss the cost of the treatment and any financing options that may be available to you. While price is an important consideration, it's equally important to prioritise the quality and expertise of the clinic and practitioners performing the treatment. Morpheus8 is a highly advanced procedure that requires skill and experience to achieve optimal results.

Prices for Morpheus8 at Dr Leah Clinic start from £1450 for a course of three treatments

Reviews and testimonials of Morpheus8

Don't just take our word for it – hear from Judy Murray who experienced the transformative power of Morpheus8.



Don't wait any longer to rejuvenate your skin and boost your confidence. Book a Morpheus8 consultation today!

Mole check

Dr Leah Clinic is widely recognised as the UK’s most trusted aesthetic clinic, but did you know that we are also a leading mole clinic in London?

This service is more topical than ever with mid-summer taking centre stage, and the importance of skincare and mole awareness being a hot topic. That is why this month, we have joined with our team of leading dermatologists at Dr Leah Clinic to launch our mole awareness month at Dr Leah Clinic. This blog series will include a series of articles enlightening readers about the significance of proper mole care and awareness.

In our second blog post we focus on the importance of having a regular mole check, and will delve into the realm of understanding skin cancer, along with the most effective preventive and treatment measures.

 If you find yourself concerned about a mole that has changed in appearance or texture you can book a full-body mole check in London with us today, additionally you can book in for a mole removal procedure at Dr Leah Clinic

What is an abnormal mole?

Before delving into skin cancer, it is crucial to understand what moles are and the different types that exist. Moles, also known as nevi, are pigmented growths on the skin that are usually harmless. They can appear anywhere on the body and range in colour from light brown to dark black. There are several types of moles, including junctional, compound, and dermal moles. Each type differs in its location within the skin layers and the characteristics of the mole cells.

Melanoma, which is a type of skin cancer can develop within existing moles or appear as new growths on the skin. It is essential to be aware of the signs and symptoms that may indicate an abnormal mole. A normal mole is typically round or oval in shape, has a uniform colour, and is smaller than a pencil eraser. However, if you notice changes in the size, shape, colour, or texture of a mole, it may be a cause for concern. Other warning signs include asymmetry, irregular borders, and the presence of multiple colours within a mole.

When to Get a Mole Checked

It is crucial to be proactive when it comes to your skin health and to know when to get a mole check. If you notice any of the aforementioned signs and symptoms, it is recommended to seek medical attention promptly. Additionally, if you have a family history of skin cancer, have had extensive sun exposure, or have a large number of moles it is advisable to get a regular mole check even if you do not notice any changes in your moles. Early detection is key in successfully treating skin cancer, so it is better to be safe than sorry.

Importance of Regular Mole Checks

Regular mole checks are essential in detecting skin cancer at its earliest stage. During a mole check, a dermatologist will carefully examine your moles and assess any changes that may be concerning.  At Dr Leah Clinic we use an industry-leading device called a dermascope which gives the most effective method of examining a mole through its high level of magnification. Importantly at Dr Leah clinic we send all removed moles for a biopsy and will advise that any suspicious moles are sent for a full biopsy. This thorough examination can help identify skin cancer in its initial phase when it is most treatable. By scheduling regular mole checks at least once a year, you are taking a proactive approach to your skin health and reducing the risk of developing advanced-stage skin cancer.

Book a mole check at Dr Leah Clinic today or Book a mole removal at Dr Leah Clinic.

Booking a Mole Check in London

If you reside in London or are visiting the area, there are reputable clinics where you can get a mole check such as Dr. Leah Clinic. Dr Leah Clinic is renowned for its expertise in dermatology and skin cancer detection. At Dr. Leah Clinic, you can expect a professional and thorough mole check conducted by experienced dermatologists. The process usually involves a visual examination of your moles and may include additional tests such as dermoscopy or a biopsy if any suspicious moles are found.

How to Perform a Self-Mole Check

In addition to regular professional mole checks, it is vital to perform self-mole checks at home. By familiarising yourself with your moles and their characteristics, you can quickly identify any changes that may require medical attention. When performing a self-mole check, use a full-length mirror and a handheld mirror to examine all areas of your body, including hard-to-reach spots. Pay close attention to any new moles that have appeared or any changes in the size, shape, colour, or texture of existing moles. If you notice any concerning changes, consult a dermatologist promptly.

Protecting Against Skin cancer

Preventing skin cancer starts with protecting your skin from harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation. This includes wearing sunscreen with a high SPF, seeking shade during peak sun hours, and wearing protective clothing. It is also essential to avoid the use of tanning beds, as they significantly increase the risk of developing skin cancer. Early detection is equally crucial, so ensure you schedule regular mole checks with a dermatologist. By adopting preventive measures and staying vigilant in monitoring your moles, you can significantly reduce the risk of skin cancer. At Dr Leah we recommend as sunscreen factor of at least 50 during the summer months which can be reduced to 30 during winter months.

Mole Removal Procedures and Aftercare

In some cases, mole removal may be necessary either for cosmetic reasons or due to suspicious changes in the mole. There are several mole removal procedures available at Dr Leah Clinic which would take place after a mole check in London. Your dermatologist will determine the most appropriate method based on the characteristics of the mole. After mole removal, it is crucial to follow the recommended aftercare instructions provided by your dermatologist. This may include keeping the area clean and protected, avoiding direct sunlight, and monitoring for any signs of infection or abnormal healing. Mole check in London and mole removal in London is provided at our Baker Street Dr Leah Clinic.

Your skin health matters, and at Dr Leah Clinic our experienced dermatologists are here to provide you with exemplary client care and accurate skin cancer detection. To receive your mole check in London at Dr. Leah Clinic, schedule an appointment today and take control of your skin health. 


Mole removal

Earlier this week in our Mole Awareness series, we discussed the importance of getting moles regularly checked to support health and well-being.

In this article, we will offer our readers a better understanding of moles, how they develop, and where they are most commonly found on the body. We will also delve into the mole removal process with expert dermatologists at Dr Leah Clinic and uncover the various cutting-edge techniques used at the clinic from mole removal on the face to mole removal cost at this top-rated mole clinic in London.

If you are concerned about a mole contact us today at Dr Leah Clinic for a confidential consultation.  Book today.

Firstly, let’s explore what a mole is and how it is formed.


How are moles formed, and when to get a mole checked?

A mole is a common type of skin growth that appears as small, dark brown spots on the skin although they can vary in colour from pink, or black. Moles can also vary in size, and shape, and they may be flat or protrude from the skin.

Moles are formed when there is an overgrowth of melanocytes in the skin which are clusters of pigment-forming cells. Moles can occur anywhere on the body, including moles on the face and are most likely to develop in areas exposed to sunlight. While moles across the body can be unique and beautiful, moles created from overexposure to the sun can also be dangerous due to their potential to develop cancerous cells which is why it is so important to wear at least factor 50 sunscreens when exposing your body to sunlight. Individuals can also be born with moles or they can develop as a result of hormonal changes and excess sun exposure.

While most moles are harmless, it is essential to monitor them for any changes that may indicate a potential health concern. Abnormal moles may have different shapes, sizes, or darker colours compared to your other moles. They may also grow more rapidly, become inflamed, itchy, or painful, or cause irritation by catching on clothing. If you notice any of these symptoms, it is crucial to seek a doctor's advice for a proper evaluation.


Mole Removal Cost/Mole removal on the NHS

In 2023, the NHS offers free mole removal only if the mole is considered "suspicious" and at risk of being cancerous, however with the COVID-19 pandemic, even potentially suspicious moles are facing long delays for treatment. Therefore, seeking treatment at a reputable private clinic, like Dr Leah Clinic, is recommended for quicker diagnosis and treatment options. Mole removal cost at Dr Leah Clinic starts from £400 and varies depending on the number of moles being removed. Costing also depends on the type of treatment required such as a more delicate procedure needed for mole removal on the face.

It is worth noting that as an aesthetic clinic, Dr Leah also has a focus on scar management with a range of scar treatment methods with mole removal. This element is not widely available as a part of treatment with the NHS, and in particular is a worry for clients when considering mole removal on the face.


What makes Dr Leah Clinic the number one destination for mole removal?

Dr Leah Clinic is the top choice for mole removal in London due to the following reasons:

  • Highly experienced, industry-leading dermatologist and Surgeon: Dr Leah Clinic employs industry specialists who have extensive experience in mole checks and London mole removal. This includes NHS plastic surgeon Dr Naparus, who underwent world-class medical training at Imperial College London and prestigious residencies in hospitals such as Mount Sinai Hospital and Great Ormond Street.Additionally, leading NHS dermatologist Dr Mansoor is a valued member of our mole check and mole removal team. Dr Mansoor graduated with honours and after 10 years in the medical industry is a highly experienced Dermatologist, with well-regarded dermatology papers in esteemed journals.
  • Scar minimisation: The clinic prioritises the cosmetic aspect of mole removal and focuses on minimising scarring. The team of doctors is well-versed in cosmetic techniques and offers multiple options for removing moles. For facial mole removal, we recommend their plastic surgeon Dr Naparus who brings artistry and expertise to minimise scarring. Additionally, Dr Leah Clinic provides a complimentary scar review six weeks after the initial mole removal treatment and offers scar treatment at half the price if necessary. The goal is to ensure patients achieve the best possible cosmetic results from their mole removal experience.
  • Dedicated surgical suite: Dr Leah Clinic has a dedicated surgical suite equipped for dermatological procedures.
  • High safety ratings: The Care Quality Commission inspection awarded Dr Leah Clinic a high rating of 'GOOD'. The clinic prioritises patient safety and adheres to the highest standards of care, providing treatment in a safe and regulated environment
  • Proven results: Dr Leah Clinic has successfully treated numerous patients for moles and skin lesions, consistently achieving exceptional outcomes.
  • Convenient location: Dr Leah Clinic's Baker Street location makes services easily accessible and on occasion same-day treatments are available.


Mole Removal Methods

At Dr Leah Clinic, we offer mole removal services for both cosmetic and medical purposes. Our expert doctors can assess potentially worrying moles by using an industry-leading device called a dermascope to determine if mole removal and testing are necessary. We utilise various mole removal methods to cater to each patient's unique needs. Our skilled medical team will assess your mole and recommend the most appropriate technique for you. Here are the primary mole removal methods we offer:

  • Shave Excision – This is suitable for a protruding mole, minimally invasive, no stitches required. Can leave a round pinkish scar where the mole has been.
  • Curette and Cautery- A wire with a small electrical charge is used to burn the mole away. Minimally invasive, no stitches required. Can leave a round pinkish scar where the mole has been.
  • Elliptical Surgical Excision – The mole is cut away surgically under local anaesthetic. Slightly more invasive than the other two methods. Stitches are required and you will need to attend clinic 7 days later to have stitches removed. You may see a fine white line scar where the mole has been cut out.


Whether you're seeking cosmetic mole removal in London or require a mole check in London, our skilled medical team is here to provide the best possible care.

Don't hesitate to schedule a consultation with Dr Leah Clinic today.

Book today.